RRRTAG Committee Members for 2024

General Committee
Executive Committee

President – Geoff Robinson

Vice President – Wayne Cahill

Secretary – Paul Constantinidis

Treasurer – Andrew Beale

Ordinary Committee

Event / catering support – Bill & Joy Sgro

Safety Manager – Wayne Cahill

Media/Web manager– Paul Constantinidis

Community contacts – Paul Constantinidis

Special position not directly on committee/financial reviewer – Rhonda Mahoney

Sub Committees

1. Film society

President film society – Paul Constantinidis

Secretary film society – Paul Constantinidis

Treasurer film society – Andrew Beale

Film society has ca 100 members, which become automatic RRRTAG associate members, without paying additional membership.

2. Theatre

Theatre Manager – Andrew Beale

Manager collects/selects subcommittee members in connection to all booked theatre events

3. Gallery

Gallery Curator – Andrew Beale

Curator collects/selects subcommittee members in connection to all exhibitions and gallery events

Other members with roles outside of General Committee

Catering & Ground Management – Mary Beale

Catering – Barbara Moloney
Catering –
Pam Radcliff
– Sharon Leigh

The Shop

Manager – Treene Boylan

Marketing – Andrew Beale
